The e-resource Treasury of Linguistic Maps presents linguistic maps selected from various atlases and other publications that have been published over the years by De Gruyter Mouton and other De Gruyter imprints. For the first time, this material is made available and searchable in one place and in a new, improved format. All maps have been scanned in high-resolution for maximum quality and enriched with detailed metadata. Thanks to specific search functionalities (e.g. category/subdiscipline, language described in the map, geographical location, period described), Treasury of Linguistic Maps is a unique and indispensable resource for visualized information on various topics in linguistics. Many of these maps have not been digitally available before, and some are difficult to find even in printed form. The map interface allows zooming in on details, printing, and PDF export.
Trial access available until 30. 6. 2016.
Electronic information resources avaliable and searchable at eResources Portal of Charles University.
Event detail
- Event start
- 27. 5. 2016 0:00
- Konec události
- 30. 6. 2016 0:00
- Venue
- on-line
- Website
- http://pez.cuni.cz/prehled/zdroj.php?lang=en&&id=790&freetrials=1
- Organizing Institution
- Knihovna FF UK
- Event type
- Announcement
- Přílohy
- Poster