Palach 2020 – 51st Anniversary of a CUFA Student’s Self-Immolation as a Political Protest against Soviet Invasion

Jan Palach, a student of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, who self-immolated himself on 16 January 1969 as a political protest against the end of the Prague Spring resulting from the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia by the Warsaw Pact armies.

This year at CUFA, we commemorate the 51st anniversary of this act in a traditional memorial event organized by the Student Council of Charles University.

After the act of remembrance by the commemorative plaque in front of the main building of CUFA on 16 January at 5:30 pm, there will be a panel discussion about the form and realization of a new Jan Palach memorial in his birth house in Všetaty (around 20km north of Prague) which was designed by the National Museum.

5:30 pm – Act of remembrance by the commemorative plaque in front of the main building of CUFA
6:30 pm – Panel discussion on the Jan Palach memorial located in Všetaty (main building of CUFA, room P200). The discussion will be held in Czech.

Event detail

Event start
16. 1. 2020 17:30 - 21:00
in front of Faculty of Arts, nám. Jana Palacha 2, Prague 1 & then room P200
Organizing Institution
Student Council of Charles University
Event type