Introduction of the Career Development Regulations

The Faculty of Arts, Charles University, invites all members of its academia to a meeting on the Career Development Regulations and the related evaluation of academic staff that is to take place on Tuesday 10 May at 14:10 in the auditorium (P131).

The faculty is obliged to introduce both topics by the Rector’s Measure (OR No. 28/2021) and would like to discuss everything with the academic community before the release of the Dean’s Measure scheduled for June 2022.

The Career Development Regulations redefine the job positions of CU FA employees and serve as the basis for the evaluation of academic staff, which should take place in its initial round between September 2022 and March 2023.

Currently, comments are being made by the Research Committee, the Study Committee, heads of the departments and institutes, and members of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Arts.

Event detail

Event start
10. 5. 2022 14:10
the main building of the Faculty of Arts, nám. Jana Palacha 1/2 (auditorium, P131)
Organizing Institution
Faculty of Arts, Charles University
Event type