The Prague Centre for Jewish Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University and Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences cordially invite you to attend an international conference Community and Exclusion. Collective Violence in the Multiethnic (East) Central European Societies before and after the Holocaust (1848–1948) which will be held in September 25-27, 2016 in Prague. Venues: Vila Lanna, V Sadech 1, Praha and Hrzánský palác, Loretánská ulice 9/177, Praha The conference is supported by Visegrad Fund and is held under the auspices of the Minister of the Czech Republic´s Government for Human Rights, Equal Opportunities and Legislation Office of the Government, Jiří Dienstbier. Conference is organized in co-operation with Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences; The Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of History of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Conference Registration until September 19, 2016: conferencemua@gmail.com. The conference is free of charge. The conference will be held in English. Please share and forward the program below. We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Event detail
- Event start
- 25. 9. 2016 0:00
- Konec události
- 27. 9. 2016 0:00
- Venue
- Vila Lanna, V Sadech 1, Prague; Hrzánský palác, Loretánská ulice 9/177, Prague
- Website
- http://pcjs.ff.cuni.cz/en/node/285
- Organizing Institution
- Prague Centre for Jewish Studies
- Event type
- Conference
- Přílohy
- Community_Exclusion