Official Statement of CUFA Management and CUFA Academic Senate in Support of Hong Kong Protests

With increasing concern, we observe the situation at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University where protesting academics are exposed not only to threats and danger of persecution but also to direct violence of the police and military forces. As we are now commemorating the 30th anniversary of the brutal intervention of repressive forces at Národní třída in Prague during the Velvet Revolution, we feel the need to unequivocally state our stance on such attacks on academic freedom and human freedom in general.

On behalf of the management of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, and the Academic Senate, we express our solidarity with the protesting students and teachers. We share the concerns over the fate of all arrested who do not have a guaranteed right for fair trial and defence, and who are in many cases unaccounted for. We, therefore, join the appeal of the European Union to cease all violence, particularly on part of the police and military force.


on behalf of CUFA                                                                     on behalf of the CUFA Academic Senate

doc. Michal Pullmann, Dean                                                   dr. Ondřej Tichý, President

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