Meetings in Low Countries Studies – Postgraduate and Post-doctorate colloquium

The Department of Dutch language and culture, Charles University organizes the sixth Postgraduate and Post-doctorate colloquium from 7th till 10th March 2018 thanks to the support of the Dutch Language Union, Charles University, Flemish representation and the Embassy of The Netherlands. The postgraduate and post-doctorate researchers will present on topics centered around Dutch language and culture during the colloquium which takes place in Celetná 20. The official opening lecture ´European influence of Dutch and Flemish art. Cultural mobility´ will be given in English by Em. Prof. dr. Ludo Beheydt from Université Catholique de Louvain and it takes place on 7th March 2018 in the Blue lecture hall from 15:30 till 17:30. You are cordially invited to the opening lecture.

Celetná 20

March 8, 2018, Thursday, Malá aula/The small aula, Císařský sál, 9.00–18.00

March 9, 2018, Friday, Zelená posluchárna/The green lecture hall, Císařský sál, 9.00–18.00

March 10, 2018, Saturday, Malá aula/The small aula, 9.00–13.00

Podrobnosti události

Začátek události
7. 3. 2018 15:30
Konec události
10. 3. 2018 13:00
Místo konání
Celetná 20, Prague 1
Department of Dutch language and culture CU FA
Typ události
Konference a přednášky