You may find the automatic resuscitation machine at the reception desk on the ground floor of the building on Jan Palach Square. The machine is capable of restoring the proper functioning of the heart in case of an emergency. Besides the AED, first aid kits are available in CU FA buildings.
The first aid kits contain basic medical equipment, such as bandages, cotton wool, gauze, plasters, scissors, tweezers, gloves, three-point scarf, face masks, and first aid manual. The exact location of the first aid kits in each building can be found in the list below. By the end of the year, they will also be placed at all secretariats of the institutes, departments, and offices.
- main building, Jan Palach Square 1/2: reception and Jan Palach Library
- Sporck Palace, Hybernská 3: reception
- buildings in Celetná 13, Celetná 20, and Voršilská 1: reception
- building in Na Příkopě 29: reception
- building in Panská 7: secretariat in room No. 2
- CU Sports Centre building, Prague 10, Hostivař: reception, pool reception, lifeguard
- building of the Archaeological Base, Nůšařská 774/4, Mělník: ground floor at the back of the building by the toilet