Arrival and Departure

Before your arrival 

For after arrival duties and registration requirements see the website of Czech Ministry of Interior:

After your arrival

Upon your registration to the Faculty of Arts you will be given a coupon, which allows you to receive your student ID card and enrol in classes. You can collect your student card at three locations listed below. You have to bring your passport or national ID.

  • Charles University (UK) Point, Celetná 13, Prague 1
  • Faculty of Law, nám. Curieových 7, Prague 1 (on the 3rd floor, right side, room 301)
  • Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Ke Karlovu 3, Prague 2  

You can find more information and the card centre opening hours here:

Registration with Foreign Police
All EU or EFTA students are legally obliged to register with the Foreign Police within
30 days of their arrival to the Czech Republic, if their intended stay is longer than 30 days. All citizens from non-EU or non-EFTA countries have to register within 3 days. To register, you must present a completed form for the Registration Card, a travel document and evidence of health insurance (e.g. European Health Insurance Card).

If you are housed in Charles University Hall of Residence and intend to stay there for the full time of your studies at Charles University, you do not have to report your presence to the Foreign Police unless you need a confirmation of your registration. The accommodation office of your Hall of Residence will register you automatically.

CR Foreign Police Office (Oddělení pobytových agend cizinecké policie ČR)


Olšanská 2, 130 51 Praha 3

Phone: +420 974 820 317, +420 974 820 318, +420 974 820 232


Office hours:

Monday: 8.00 – 17.00 

Tuesday: 8.00 – 15.00 

Wednesday: 8.00 – 17.00

Thursday: 8.00 – 15.00 

Friday: closed

Orientation week
The International Office prepares various activities for you such as Q&A session, Faculty Building tour and Library tour.
Additionally, Exchange Student Network Charles University Prague (ESN CU) organizes number of activities – Sightseeing tour, Czech lunch, Ice-breaking games in the city centre, Film Club and Welcome party. The detailed programme will be announced via e-mail prior your arrival or you may check their website in advance:

Course registration
After your arrival, Erasmus+ Faculty Coordinators will guide and assist you with course enrolment. Students can add and drop courses in the Information Student System (SIS) by the end of October/the middle of March for the summer term. Throughout the add and drop period (first three weeks of class) you should consult all changes to your study plan with your home coordinators, because it will not be possible to change your courses after the add and drop period ends. The exact dates for this year can be found on our calendar. The number of credits awarded for each course is specified in the electronic system. For further information regarding course selection and course registration see our videomanuals to the SIS.

Changes to the original proposed Learning agreement
Once you have finalized your study plan and enrolled in all the courses you plan to complete, it will be necessary to fill in a „Changes to Learning Agreement“ or „During the Mobility“. You may either use the form you received at the registrations or the form of your home university – it is not necessary to fill in both. You should compare the courses you had in your original Learning Agreement (signed by Charles University during the application process, and returned to you with your acceptance letter) with the courses you are currently enrolled in in SIS. Any course from the original Learning Agreement that you are not enrolled in should be marked „deleted“ and any course you are enrolled in that was not on the original Learning Agreement should be marked „added“. It is recommended that you fill this document after the end of the enrollment period, so that you will be sure of which courses you are attending.

Before your departure

There are a couple of important forms you will need to complete your Erasmus stay, which your home university has probably also informed you of – the Transcript of Records and Confirmation of Departure (also called Attendace Certificate or Confirmation of Study Stay):


You should e-mail us to apply for a copy of your Transcript of Records as soon as you see that all your results are complete in our on-line information system (SIS). You can check this by clicking on the “Summary of exam results” button on the SIS homepage.

The easiest way to apply for the Transcript is to simply e-mail once all the results you are expecting are uploaded in SIS. We will not make your transcript until we receive an e-mail from you requesting it.

Transcripts are issued gradually (it takes time), on the first-come, first-served principle. If you have to leave Prague before your grades are complete or your Transcript is ready, we can send it to you. Please specify if you would like us to send it via e-mail or by post, and if by post, please tell us which address to post it to.


This form is provided by your home university (different universities use different names for it) and ordinarily it would need to be signed in person before your departure. Due to Covid-19, this semester it will be possible to get this form signed by e-mail or in person:

· Via e-mail (preferred): It is necessary to confirm your presence at the end of your stay – usually this is done by sending us a copy of your boarding pass or the ticket you used to leave Prague (if you did not get an arrival form signed, you will also have to send proof of the date you arrived in Prague). You should send us this by e-mail (to either just before or just after you leave Prague, along with the blank document that your university needs us to sign. We will sign the document and send it back to you by e-mail.

· If you are in Prague and prefer to come to the office: Contact us about a week before you plan to leave to set up a time to come to our office with the form for us to sign (address here). Please note that the document cannot be signed sooner than 5 days before your actual departure. 

Please note that the confirmation of study period cannot be signed sooner than 5 days before your actual departure/end of studies.


Erasmus+ Incoming Coordinators

Mgr. Lenka Kristenová
+420 221 619 841

Mgr. Barbora Černá
+420 221 619 427


Office Hours

Room 128, main building

Tuesday 9:00–12:00
Wednesday 14:00–17:00
Thursday 14:00–16:00

Other Agreements Coordinator   

Mgr. Renata Jamin
Room 103, main building

+420 221 619 835


International Office contacts