The Socialist Countries and the Third World: Recent Approaches and New Perspectives

The Institute of World History at CU FA cordially invites you to a two-day workshop organized as part of the PRIMUS project “African and Middle Eastern Elites Educated in former Socialist Countries: Studies, Trajectories, and Mindsets.” The workshop focuses on the relationship between socialist countries and third-world countries during the Cold War.

The workshop offers six thematic panels with papers on diplomatic or trade relations, development or military assistance, mutual exchange in culture, education, and other fields.

The workshop is open to everyone, but it is necessary to register via email


Event detail

Event start
8. 9. 2022 15:30
Konec události
9. 9. 2022 18:00
the main building of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, room P201
Organizing Institution
Institute of World History at CU FA / Cold War Research Group / Constantin Katsakioris
Event type