East Asia: Dynamics of Interactions EastAsiaNet Research Workshop

The Institute of Asian Studies and the Department of Sinology at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, will have the privilege to host the EastAsiaNet Research Workshop, held on 7–9 April 2022.

The scholars from joint institutions are heartily invited to submit abstracts (about 200 words) of papers dealing with the following topic. Apart from these, we encourage junior scholars including doctoral candidates to present their research regardless of its thematic focus in a dedicated session.

The EAN Research Workhop including the Young Scholars Open Session and Executive Meeting is planned as an in-person (“live”) event, however, due to the pandemic situation and the restrictions on public gatherings in force in the Czech Republic at the time of the workshop, the event may be held in a hybrid or virtual (online) format.

Podrobnosti události

Začátek události
8. 4. 2022 9:00
Konec události
9. 4. 2022 13:30
Místo konání
Voršilská 1, místnost 408
Webové stránky
Institut strategických regionů
Typ události
Konference a přednášky