State Ph.D. Exam 

State Ph.D. Exam 

Basic information 

  • The State Ph.D. Exam is held after fulfilment of all basic study obligations according to your Individual Curriculum (IC) in its approved form. The exam is held in front of a committee and is public in nature. The supervisor is invited to the exam, even if the supervisor is not a member of the committee. 
  • The State Ph.D. Exam takes place in accordance with Article 11 of the Code of Study and Examination of Charles University and Article 30 of the Rules for the Organization of Studies at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University. 
  • The results of the State Ph.D. Exam are graded as pass or fail. Students are entitled to one re-sit term. If a student does not pass the State Ph.D. Exam in the re-sit term, their studies are terminated. If a student does not show up for the State Ph.D. Exam for the registered term without a proper excuse, it is not graded and the term expires.
  • The content of the State Ph.D. Exam and the requirements can be found in the general study plan of the given programme.

When can the State Ph.D. Exam be taken? 

  • A requirement for registering for the State Ph.D. Exam is fulfilment of all basic study obligations according to the IC. The requirements for the specific areas of study can be monitored here. 
  • The State Ph.D. Exam is taken in the year reserved for this particular obligation in the Individual Curriculum. In the event of any uncertainties, please consult the fulfilment of these obligations with your study officer. 


  • You may register for the State Ph.D. Exam no later than two months before the preliminary term for taking the State Ph.D. Exam. 
  • You register for the State Ph.D. Exam in SIS, see the manual.
  • The terms of the State Ph.D. Exam that you can register for are specified in the Calendar for the current academic year. If agreed with the chair of the subject-area board, you can take the State Ph.D. Exam at other times as well. In this case, the chair must send a request to the respective officer for creating an individual date. 
  • You have successfully registered when the PhD Studies Office verifies that you have fulfilled all prerequisites for the State Ph.D. Exam according to the study curriculum. You will be automatically informed of your registration using the e-mail address provided in SIS. 

Term for your State Ph.D. Exam 

  • The exact term for taking your State Ph.D. Exam is set by the dean on the proposal of the chair of the subject-area board and is published at least 14 days prior to the exam on the official noticeboard in SIS. 
  • You will be automatically informed of the date and place of the exam using the e-mail address provided in SIS.


  • The committee for the State Ph.D. Exam is appointed by the dean on the proposal of the chair of the subject-area board. The committee is made up of professors, associate professors, and assistants approved by the Research Board of the Faculty of Arts. The supervisor is invited to the State Ph.D. Exam. The supervisor may also be a member of the committee provided this has been approved for this purpose by the Research Board of the Faculty of Arts. 
  • The chair of the subject-area board submits the list of students for the individual committees (including the term and venue) via the PhD Studies Office no later than 21 days prior to the State Ph.D. Exam. 


  • The exam is public in nature. The voting of the committee on the grade is not public. 
  • The exam is commenced and run by the chair of the committee. 
  • Minutes of the State Ph.D. Exam are created, and the chair of the committee arranges the minutes and their submission to the PhD Studies Office. 
  • The study officer enters the results of the State Ph.D. Exam in SIS. 

Being excused from the State Ph.D. Exam 

  • If for serious reasons a student does not show up to the State Ph.D. Exam, the student is required to properly justify their absence. An excuse is sent to the chair of the committee via the PhD Studies Office. The dean decides on the credibility of the excuse. If a student does not properly excuse oneself, the term expires. 

 Possibilities of taking the State Ph.D. Exam 

  • If justified or purposeful, it is possible to perform the State Examination remotely, either in part or in full. The chair of the subject-area board determines the form of the exam according to the current regulations. 

    Remote and partially remote exam

    • Takes place in MS Teams 
    • Partially remote exams are held especially in the following situations (pursuant to Article 9 of the Code of Study and Examination of CU):
      • a) When the student is present remotely and the board and the public are in person,
      • b) When the student is in person, a part of the board is present remotely, and a part of
        the board and the public are in person, or
      • c) When the student is present remotely, the board is in person, and the public is present
    • Methodology for remote and partially remote state final exams:Remote exam and partially remote exam guidelines


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nám. Jana Palacha 1/2, 116 38 Praha 1


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July and August

Tuesday 09:00 – 12:00
Thursday 14:00 – 16:00

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