The lecture “Translation Mining and Semantic Maps: A New Approach to Cross-Linguistic Research” will be held at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, in room P104 on 2 April 2025 from 2:10 pm. Hands-on workshops will take place on Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th (9:00 am – 12:00 noon), P104, FF UK).
The translation mining method (TM) is a cross-linguistic analysis originally developed in lexical typology. It uses parallel texts to map distributional patterns across languages, enabling fine-grained cross-linguistic comparisons and creation of semantic maps.
Bert Le Bruyn from Utrecht University will introduce TM through two case studies: HAVE-PERFECT constructions (Time in Translation project) and the semantics of bare nouns across diverse languages (HHRM group). Following the talk, two hands-on workshops will guide participants through the TM workflow. Training data will be provided, but participants have to bring their laptops. By the end, attendees will grasp TM’s research cycle, evaluate its relevance to their own work, and acquire the basic tools to conduct their own TM study.
You may more find information in the abstract here.
Lecture and workshops are part of the project OP JAK LangInLife.