The faculty has responded to repeating suggestions from the academic community, for example, through comments in the student evaluation, and has introduced three new pieces of equipment in faculty buildings. A new microwave is located on the second floor of the main building next to the vending machine across the stairs. A drinking fountain is located in the ground floor hallway of the south wing of the building (to the right of the main entrance). A ping pong table equipped with rackets and balls is located on the ground floor of the Sporck Palace.

“Students and staff spend a lot of time in the faculty buildings, and we want to create an environment where studying and working are not only possible but also pleasant. In addition, we believe that even small things make a big difference. That is why I am glad that we have managed to fulfil the authentic wishes of our academic community,” said Andrea Hudáková, Vice-Dean for Study Affairs and Student Admissions.
Vice-Dean Hudáková also said that the Management of the Faculty plans to continue similar small improvements to the common areas of the faculty and sincerely welcomes any suggestions that could contribute to further improvement of the conditions in the buildings.
All three new components of the faculty buildings‘ facilities are completely free for use by any of the faculty’s students and staff.

Photo: Jiří Stibor