The packed programme on the East Coast of the United States included a series of lectures, roundtables, and workshops that strengthened and opened new opportunities for mutual cooperation. The faculty was represented by Prof Lucie Doležalová and Dr Karel Pacovský from the Institute of Greek and Latin Studies at CU FA, Martin Roček, a PhD student of Latin Medieval and Neo-Latin Studies, Jakub Kozák, a student of Greek and Latin Studies, and Ondřej Fúsik, a PhD student of English philology. They successively visited Harvard University, Brown University, Yale University, Fordham University, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Museum of the Bible.

Participants from CU FA presented the research on manuscript culture of the late Middle Ages, scribal colophons, the scribe Kříž of Telč, monastic life in pre-Hussite Prague, and medieval biblical manuscripts. The representatives of the institutions also appreciated CU FA’s digital humanities projects, primarily led by Martin Roček. These include, for example, the Latin dictionary, gradually-built online reader of short Latin texts from medieval Bohemia Opuscula, the forthcoming overview of all medieval manuscripts stored in Czech collections, Manuscripta, or user-friendly presentations of medieval manuscripts Lipnice Bible and Kříž’s A4 Schoolbook.
In addition to Harvard, Brown, Yale, Fordham, and Penn, the teachers and students were also welcomed by the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C., which houses the Lipnice Bible, which was on display in the Czech Republic in the summer 2021, and which manuscript collections are being made available through the mutual contacts on, operated by the National Library of the Czech Republic.
The trip was made possible by a partnership between Charles University and Brown University, the Beyond Security: the Role of Conflict in Resilience Building (CoRe) project, and the university’s Cooperatio and Specific University Research programs.

Name of the Project and Registration Number: Beyond Security: Role of Conflict in Resilience-Building. Reg. Nr. CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004595.