Psychological Help

Dear Students, Dear Colleagues,

We hope this message finds you as well as can be expected during these challenging times. The recent events at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University have left us all deeply saddened, and we extend our heartfelt condolences to those who have lost their loved ones.

We understand that the impact of such tragic events can be profound, affecting not only those directly involved but also those within the broader university community. It is natural to experience a range of emotions and reactions during such difficult times, and we want to assure you that support is available.

Common Reactions:

During these trying times, you may find yourself grappling with various emotional responses, such as increased irritability, mood swings, anxiety, fear, and sadness. It’s essential to recognize that these reactions are normal given the abnormal circumstances.

How to Cope:

Here are some recommendations to help you navigate through these challenging moments:

  1. Take Time to Recover. Allow yourself the necessary time to heal and regain strength. Avoid rushing the process, as everyone copes with extreme stress differently.
  2. Seek Support. Share your feelings with trusted individuals—friends, family, or peers who may have experienced similar situations. If unavailable, consider reaching out to professionals listed below.
  3. Maintain Routine Activities. Engage in activities that used to bring you satisfaction, fostering a sense of stability amid chaos.
  4. Calm Your Mind. Practice relaxation techniques, exercise, and participate in activities that divert your focus. Avoid substances like alcohol and drugs, as they may worsen the long-term impact.
  5. Manage Information Intake. Limit exposure to news and media. Stay informed but avoid constant bombardment, seeking information only a few times a day.
  6. Face Fears. While prioritizing safety, try not to isolate yourself completely. Confronting fears gradually can contribute to overcoming them.
  7. Utilize Healthy Coping Strategies. Activate your internal resources by employing techniques such as relaxation exercises, physical activities, and cultural experiences. Remember, you are not alone.
  8. Nurture Relationships. Strengthen connections within the academic community. Maintain relationships with classmates and colleagues, drawing strength from the university community.
  9. Monitor Changes. Be aware of changes in your thoughts and experiences. Seek help if you notice prolonged depression, abrupt mood swings, excessive irritability, or difficulty concentrating.
  10. Extend Support. Observe changes in those around you and offer assistance. Encourage seeking professional services when needed.

Professional Help:

If you feel the need for professional assistance, the following crisis centers are available:

  • RIAPS Crisis Centre:

Chelčického 39, Prague 3, 130 00

Helpline: 222 580 697

Website: [](

  • Centre for Crisis Intervention in Bohnice (CKI):

Bohnice Psychiatric Hospital, Ústavní 91, Prague 8, 181 02

Helpline: 284 016 666

Website: [](

  • Helpline for Students (Up to 26 years of age):

Nonstop Line: 116 111

Chat: [Safety Line chat]( (Daily 9-13 and 15-19)

  • White Circle Safety Nonstop Victim Helpline:

116 006

  • 24-hour Crisis Line SPIS for loved ones and survivors:

+420 227 272 225

Remember, these are general principles, and individual responses vary. Seeking professional mental health support is crucial during such challenging situations.

We are here for you, and together, as a community, we can support one another through these difficult times.

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