Ar an Imeall i Lár an Domhain: New Publication on Irish Literature and Culture

A collection of essays based on the conference Ar an Imeall i Lár an Domhain?”: An tairseachúlacht i litríocht agus i gcultúr na hÉireann agus na hEorpa, which was held in Prague in September 2017, has been published by Leabhar Breac. The volume has been edited by Radvan Markus (The Department of Anglophone Literatures and Culteres, CU FA), Máirín Nic Eoin, Deirdre Nic Mhathúna, Éadaoin Ní Mhuircheartaigh, Brian Ó Conchubhair, and Pádraig Ó Liathái.

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