The Operation of CU FA Libraries from 25 May 2021

Dear users, please, read closely the following important information about the operation of Celetná Library:

From Tuesday 25 May 2021, the libraries in the main building of CU FA (nám. Jana Palacha 1/2), libraries in the Sporck Palace (Hybernská 3) and Mongolian and Tibetan Studies Library will reopen. The previous operation of book requests in the Central Catalogue will cease on 21 May 2021.

Conditions of operation and limitations

  • The libraries above will be open according to opening hours at the website of the CU FA Library. Here.
  • The obligation of presenting a negative test for SARS-CoV-2 not older that 7 days, certification of performed vaccination, or certification of a suffered COVID-19 disease in the last 90 days remains valid.
  • Access to books in the open shelves (the libraries concerned) will not be restricted.
  • Access to library computers and printing services of libraries will not be restricted.
  • The capacity of study rooms will be restricted according to the applicable regulations of the Government of the Czech Republic (1 person/15m²).
  • It is obligatory to wear a respiration during the whole visit at the library and to abide all hygienic instructions (physical distancing, disinfection of hands).

Operation in Celetná 20

CU FA libraries located in Celetná 20 remain due to the ongoing reconstruction unavailable, with the exception of Celetná Library which still operations as a collection point of requested books. The operation of book request in Charles University Central Catalogue remains unchanged for all libraries in Celetná 20 until further notice. You may find more information about the limited operation of loans in the libraries in Celetná 20 here.

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