Dear users, please, read closely the following information about the operation of libraries:
The operation of CU FA libraries remains intact, the libraries continue to operate in the same mode as until now. More information about the current mode of loan services can be found in this news.
Due to the new and more strict measures and restriction of free movement, we also notify you that:
- Loans ending in the period of the restricted free movement will be automatically extended until 1 April 2021. Please, check your user account!
- In the period 1-31 March 2021, the overdue fines will not increase.
- Following the points above, it is not necessary nor required to return the books via book drop boxes between 1-31 March 2021. The drop boxes, however, remain accessible to the users during the opening hours of the buildings.
Information for Students [Updated on 3 March]
A travel to collect a requested book in a library is part of exam preparation and the confirmation of a processed book request along with the student ID card can be produced as an authorization for travels between regions. The invitation to collect the books must include: Výpůjčka knihy je nezbytnou součástí přípravy na zkoušku na Univerzitě Karlově a není jí možné realizovat jinou formou než osobní návštěvou v knihovně. Students should prepare their ISIC card and the confirmation of a processed book request. The students may also generate the Confirmation of Study in SIS.
Warning: CU FA Library reserves the right to change the information above as the situation changes.
Information for the general public
The suspension of all CU FA Library services for general public users remains valid (i.e., it does not apply to the students and employees of Charles University). From 17 March 2021, the general public is not allowed to enter the buildings of CU FA even to return books via book drop boxes.
Links and contact
- If you have any question about the operation of libraries, please, contact
- To quickly check the current operation of CU FA libraries, we recommend following the “traffic lights” on the homepage of CU FA Library: