The Operation of CU FA Libraries at the End of 2020

Dear users,

Please, pay attention to the following information regarding the operation of CU FA libraries at the end of 2020.

  • Until Tuesday, 22 December 2020, the libraries operate as dispensing points of books requested in advance (Click & Collect). It is possible to return the loans via book drop boxes. The information about the current borrowing and returning of books.
  • From 23 December 2020 to 1 January 2021 – CLOSURE OF LIBRARIES:
    • The dispensation of requested books (Click & Colllect) is suspended.
    • Overdue fines for unreturned books do not increase.
    • The loan period of loans ending during the closure is renewed.
    • Book drop boxes are not available (the closure of CU FA buildings).
  • From 4 January 2021 – The dispensing mode of books requested in advance (Click & Colllect) is to be restored. The books may be again returned via book drop boxes. New: The dispensation hours are to be extended from Monday to Thursday. More information.
  • Notice: Regarding the development of the epidemiological situation and measures issued by the Czech Republic Government, there may be changes in the information listed above. Please, follow library updates on the homepage of the Faculty.

Contacts and useful links

If you have a question, you may write us an email at The inquiries asked during the closure of libraries (see above) will be processed from 4 January 2021.

We wish you a merry and peaceful Christmas season, successful entry into the new year, and good health to all users by the librarian of the Faculty of Arts CU Library.

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