Job Offer from 2 November 2020 – Czech Institute of Egyptology

Czech Institute of Egyptology

Job title: Academic staff – Assistant Professor
Field and specialization: Egyptology, Egyptian archaeology, Old Kingdom architecture and iconography
Expected salary/job rank: AP 2
Full-time position: 1

Job description:

  • Lecturing in the field of specialisation, specifically teaching on the B.A. and subsequent M.A. level, including the supervision of B.A. and M.A. papers
  • Supervision of Ph.D. students
  • Scientific research and other creative activities
  • Supervision of archaeological research in Egypt
  • Administrative support securing and organizing archaeological fieldwork in Egypt, translation of archaeological reports into Arabic

Job requirements:

  • Ph.D. in Egyptology or Egyptian archaeology
  • Appropriate pedagogical experience
  • Specialisation in Egyptian archaeology, architecture and iconography of the Old Kingdom
  • Fluent knowledge of Egyptian Arabic (speaking and writing)
  • Permission for archaeological fieldwork in Egypt on own concession

Expected starting date:  01.02.2021
Application deadline: 31.12.2020

Complete applications will include the following:

  • application form
  • structured CV including professional experience
  • summary of expert, teaching and publication activities
  • copies of educational documents (translated into Czech, if applicable)

Submitting the application:

  • Submission by mail or in person:
    The application with all its attachments can be sent by mail or delivered in person to the following address:
    Zuzana Pálková, Human Resources Dept., FF UK, nám. Jana Palacha 1/2, 116 38 Praha, Czech Republic


  • Submission by e-mail:
    The application with all its attachments can be sent by e-mail to the address

Based on the committee’s decision, either all applicants or selected applicants only will be invited to the second round of the competition, i.e. an interview.

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