e-Kniha týdne #14: Handbook of Collective Intelligence

Seriál Knihovny FF UK pravidelně přináší tipy na zajímavé elektronické tituly z nabídky UK. Vybraným titulem tohoto týdne je publikace Handbook of Collective Intelligence, která shrnuje dosavadní výzkum v prudce se rozvíjejícím průnikovém oboru kolektivní inteligence. Titul může být přínosem nejen zájemcům o obory psychologie či sociologie.

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Více o titulu[AJ]

Experts describe the latest research in a rapidly growing multidisciplinary field, the study of groups of individuals acting collectively in ways that seem intelligent.Intelligence does not arise only in individual brains; it also arises in groups of individuals. This is collective intelligence: groups of individuals acting collectively in ways that seem intelligent. In recent years, a new kind of collective intelligence has emerged: interconnected groups of people and computers, collectively doing intelligent things. Today these groups are engaged in tasks that range from writing software to predicting the results of presidential elections. This volume reports on the latest research in the study of collective intelligence, laying out a shared set of research challenges from a variety of disciplinary and methodological perspectives. Taken together, these essays—by leading researchers from such fields as computer science, biology, economics, and psychology—lay the foundation for a new multidisciplinary field.

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