Výběrové řízení ze dne 31. 10. 2018 – Filozofická fakulta / Job offer from 31 October 2018 – Faculty of Arts

Job Title: Visiting Researcher
Contract Type and Salary: Research Fellow (VP) level 2-3, up to 87 500 CZK/month before tax
Work Pattern: Full-Time (40 hours/week) for 6-8 months
Field: philosophy, religious studies, literature, art
This is a position planned within the project CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_027/0008495 International Mobility of Researchers at Charles University
Job Description:
Researcher in the Creative Laboratory (VOICE) – one of the three Humanities Research Centers based at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague (https://hrc.ff.cuni.cz/en/creative-laboratory-voice/). The Creative Laboratory is a unique research infrastructure among Czech institutions, enabling researchers to abandon the existing patterns of thought about sciences, arts and technologies by systematically transcending their traditional understanding and redrawing their boundaries. The main objective of our research agenda is the origin and position of creativity in the Euro-Atlantic area as the key principle of a free society. Research of cultural creativity is conducted along the lines of the concept known as self-producing (autopoietic) systems, which include society – especially the interconnected society of today – as well as economy, politics, science, literature, religion, media, education and others. The emphasis is placed on the self-reflexive aspect of autopoiesis, as it has been traditionally cultivated in philosophy and has recently been adopted by the pragmatic theories of language, cognition and culture, by the theory of an autonomous literary field, by cognitive sciences and artificial intelligence.
The position is open for scholars specializing in any field of the humanities focused on the reflection of the role of cognition, language, and creativity as an important source of social and cultural dynamics. Extensive publication activities and lecturing relevant to the Centre’s research are required. Specific tasks include:

  • Conducting original research in collaboration with other members of the research team leading to a joint publication of at least one open-access study in one of the journals indexed by the Thomson Reuters Web of Science, Scopus, or ERIH+ databases;
  • consultations with students conducting thematically relevant research;
  • active attendance at a conference / seminar / workshop organized by the Faculty of Arts (at least once every 6-month period);
  • active participation at an international conference.

Profile of candidate:

  • Education: PhD title or its equivalent (level 8 according to the ISCED) obtained at least seven years prior to submitting your application;
  • previous employment: at least part-time (0.5 FTE) research position at an institution outside the Czech Republic held for a minimum of two years within the past three-year period;
  • funding: coordinating (as a Principal Researcher) at least one international grant project (the grant being awarded on the basis of international competition and at least partially financed from other sources than those of the country of the grantee’s residence) or a national grant (except grants provided by the home institution);
  • publication profile: at least three publications in journals indexed by the Thomson Reuters Web of Science, Scopus, or ERIH+ databases within the last five years.

Expected start: 1 September 2019
Application deadline: 
5 December 2018 (notification January)

Documents to be submitted:

Application form

The application file must also include:

  • research proposal focusing on:
    • explanation of the importance of the mobility for the research career of the applicant and of the choice of the institution;
    • description of research activities at the institution and their relevance;
    • relevance of previous research of the applicant;
    • benefits of the proposed research for the host institution;
  • PhD diploma;
  • CV + bibliography;
  • confirmation of the awarded (inter)national grant as per specifications in the „Profile of Candidate”;
  • PDFs of at least three publications as per specifications in the “Profile of Candidate”.


Application procedure:

Contact person for the Creative Laboratory (VOICE) center: Mr. Martin Pehal (martin.pehal@ff.cuni.cz)

Originals of documents will be required for the selection procedure. The Committee can choose to invite all or selected applicants to a subsequent round of the selection procedure, i.e. an interview.