Czech Institute of Egyptology Is Looking for a Photographer

The Dean of the Faculty of Arts of Charles University hereby announces recruitment for an opening at

the Czech Institute of Egyptology

Job title: Photographer

Place of work: Czech Institute of Egyptology, Charles University in Prague

Role description: Science and Field Documentation Specialist

Part-time position: 0.5 FTE (20 hours/week)


  • successfully completed qualification in the area of photo documentation and scientific documentation
  • field research experience
  • fluency in at least one foreign language (English)
  • experience of working with graphic design software.

Expected start date: April 1, 2017
Deadline for applications: February 28, 2017

Your application must include the following: (this evidence can be submitted in English)

  • structured curriculum vitae
  • certificate of completed qualification
  • portfolio with real work examples (photo documentation of an archaeological object; photo documentation of finds).

Ways of applying:

  • Electronically by completing the form below. We will acknowledge receipt of your submission by e-mail.
  • By post / in person:
    Please submit your application including any attachments by post or deliver it in person at the following address:
    Denisa Najmanová, osobní oddělení FF UK, nám. Jana Palacha 1/2, 116 38 Praha
  • Electronically by e-mail:
    Please submit your application including any attachments by e-mail to:

    Applicants will be requested to submit originals of any relevant documents during interview.