„Humanities at Scale“ Winter School in Prague

On 24 – 28 October, the Humanities at Scale Winter School will take place in Prague. Its aim is to encourage discussion between scholars, publishers, librarians, and other stakeholders with an interest in the issues raised by Open Access and Open Data. The event will be hosted by Charles University and is directly supported by DARIAH.EU.

According to the organizers, „the parallel development of Open Access publication and of the digital humanities has changed the practices and further redefined the challenges of an evolving publication regime in the  Humanities and Social Sciences. The use of digital and online research methods continually enables new features, involves new interactions, and opens up new relations to text. Greater overlap between these two movements in the research context means that there are now myriad possibilities in terms of creating and disseminating texts: indexing, hypertext links, advanced searches, public annotations, commentaries, semantic linking and embedding, etc. are all now established methods and position research increasingly as an outward-facing exercise.“

The winter school will be organized as 10 thematic half-days and the programme includes lectures, presentations and practical workshops on the following topics:

  • Open Access & Open Edition
  • The status of data in scientific publication, in social sciences and humanities
  • Relationship between Data Management Plan (DMP) & research design
  • Issues of persistent identification
  • Open critical edition as missing link between Digital Humanities and Open Access
  • Evaluation, acknowledgement & credit circulation
  • EU policy on Open Access and Open Data (with Central European perspectives)
  • Data journals & editorialisation of Open Data
  • Economy of Open Access and Open Data publication
  • Epistemology of data visualisation
  • Societal impact of Open Science

To apply, kindly submit the following documentation in English:

  • Online application form: http://goo.gl/forms/hiKanUEnbIZ8Kowi1
  • Curriculum Vitae including information about education, research projects and networks, awards and prizes, etc.
  • Statement letter explaining your perspective and motivation to participate to the event. Please highlight relevant experience in interdisciplinary projects.

The deadline for applications is  August 14 2016.

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